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Pregnant woman, let's monitor your fetal movements

It is important to monitor fetal movements by pregnant women. Besides being useful for building inner closeness between mother and fetus, monitoring fetal movements can also make pregnant women know if there are things that are not normal in your child. For women who are pregnant for the first time, fetal movements may begin to be felt when the pregnancy is approaching 25 weeks of age. Whereas in the second or subsequent pregnancy, fetal movements usually have begun to be felt when the gestational age of 18 weeks. However, the average pregnant woman begins to feel fetal movements in the gestational age range of 13-25 weeks. Benefits of Monitoring Fetal Movement in the Womb Monitoring fetal movements can help pregnant women know the growth of the fetus. In fact, by monitoring fetal movements, pregnant women can also find out early abnormalities that occur in the Little One. This can help reduce the risk of babies dying in the womb. Pregnant women can feel the peculiarities of the...
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Do not be fooled, This How to Distinguish PMS and Signs of Pregnancy

"Are these symptoms of PMS or a sign of pregnancy?" This question may have crossed your mind. There are indeed some signs of PMS that are similar to the early symptoms of pregnancy. Come on, recognize what are the differences in PMS and signs of pregnancy. PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is a collection of symptoms or complaints that occur within 1-2 weeks before menstruation. These complaints are subjective and may vary from woman to woman. Recognize the Differences in PMS and Signs of Pregnancy Although similar, the following signs can be a reference to distinguish STDs and early pregnancy symptoms: 1. Abdominal cramps PMS: 1-2 days before menstruation you may experience stomach cramps. Abdominal cramps you experience when PMS can be reduced when you menstruate and disappear on the last day of menstruation. Pregnancy: Abdominal cramps that occur early and during pregnancy may be similar to abdominal cramps during menstruation, but the location is different. Cramps due...

When Children Strike School, This Is Needed To Be Done

Your child often complains of headaches or stomachaches when leaving for school? Is he really sick or is there another reason that makes him reluctant to go to school? Come on, identify the causes and ways to make children want to go back to school. School can be a fun place, but it can also be a place and time that can make children worry for various reasons. Starting from friends who are not suitable, lessons that he did not understand, teachers who are less attentive, and many other things that Mother and Father do not always know. Look for Causes of School Strike Children If your child starts frequent school strikes, parents need to look at the various possibilities that could be the cause, and how to overcome them. Here are some things that Mother and Father can do: Check health problems Try to look at whether the child has certain diseases or health problems. For example, minus the eye makes it unable to see the writing on the board, or experiencing complaints of abdomin...